A Confederate A Federal

William Wallace van Amber
Civil War Diaries & Letters


Letter dated Aug 2, 1864

Letter Dated 08/02/64

Aug. 2, 1864 Harewood Hospital
Dearest Ett,

Oh how lonesome it is here. It don't seem as though I could stay here two years more. It is lonesomer than it was before I came home. My wound is bout all healed up. It don't run any now but my side is lame yet and I am very nervous, my hand trembles so that I can't hardly write. I will send you a paper today. I feel pretty well now but don't (have) a very good appetite. As you will see by the paper they have had another battle. I cant think of any thing to write. The weather is a great deal hotter here than it was to home. We have not had any rain here since I got back. It rained here a little Monday night while I was in Syracuse. I got there about 12 o'clock and stayed till about 6.

There I can't write any more this time. Give my respects to all and kiss Lina for me. Take good care of your own dear self and I will try to do the same. No more this time, write soon.

From your ever true and loving husband